Archive for March, 2009

Word from the Flower Delivery Guy

Flower delivery is the best job in the world. I am the messenger of love, appreciation, and congratulation. Never another job would let me witness so much happiness. Have you ever seen the reaction people have when they receive flowers? It is pure happiness. Happiness that just glow and radiate from the smile and out. You could feel the energy of the happiness. It is never close to the same happiness when a mother receives her newborn child, when a child who hits his first home run, when long lost friends find each other again. But you know what I’m talking about. So, next time when you receive flowers, don’t bother tipping me (unless you’re more than happy)  because I’m already blessed to be delivering you the flowers and I’m happy that it is not just some greasy food or lost luggage.  Enjoy the flowers and show me your smiles.

Traditional Hawaiian Lei Carrier

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Prom Bouquets

Here are 2009 first few prom bouquets we’ve created at Sweet Blossoms Hawaii. We wish you all an awesome time at the prom. Enjoy.  More bouquet photos.




More bouquet photos.

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Flowers in the crack.


One thing we did not intent to see is flowers growing in the parking lot, in the crack where weed used to grow. We pull weed and we are not sure if we should pull the flowers too. Will it cause damage to the parking lot paving if we leave them?

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Wedding Rings Pillow

Dream a little. Be creative. This started off as a request for a special wedding rings pillow. We wanted to dot the pillows with flowers that we have selected. And how do you attach the flowers onto the pillow?


Our solution, Let go of the notion of the “pillow” and make it a wedding rings carrier instead. Perfect combination use of anthurium, orchid and plumeria blossoms set in a wooden square bowl. Go ahead, challenge us with your special request. It’s your wedding. Make your dream come true.

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